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Lighting Effect
Product Type
Application Area
Lighting Effect

Le Albere. Renovation work on the former Michelin area

About Project

The new “Le Albere” district, designed by RPBW, stretches for an area of 11 hectares along the banks of the river Adige. It includes around 300 flats, 30,000 m² of office and shop space, squares, roads, pedestrian and cycle paths, as well as a network of canals, 5 hectares of public park, a multi-purpose centre and the MUSE Science Museum. The entire project has been designed to ensure environmental sustainability, environmental friendliness and energy savings. A trigeneration (combined cooling, heat and power) plant, specially developed for Dolomiti Energia, has been installed to supply the whole complex with hot and cold fluids. The residential and service industry buildings have a passive energy design with low energy consumption levels certified by CasaClima, while the museum and future conference centre are LEED Gold certified. Various areas in the district fall under iGuzzini and Renzo Piano’s partnered project to regenerate the former Michelin industrial zone in Trento. These include the museum, the office buildings, private homes and outdoor lighting in areas for both pedestrians and vehicular traffic.

The overall aim has been to achieve simple, comfortable lighting with minimally invasive luminaires and uniform formal solutions for both outdoor and indoor contexts, including the museum. Delphi luminaires with LED lamps have been used for all outdoor lighting. Delphi is a cut off system that eliminates light pollution completely. Different optics can be fitted easily to suit the tasks the luminaire has to perform. These vary from optics for street lighting to optics for parks and gardens. On roads with vehicular traffic, 9 metre high poles have been installed, featuring luminaires with a street optic and a special arm. On the paths within the residential complexes, the poles are around 7 metres high, whereas in parks and gardens, shorter 3 metre poles have been used. LED Balisage luminaires have been installed in the parks and gardens to create an effect that is both highly atmospheric and non-invasive. Residential and office buildings are lit with iPro, surface-mounted, medium body, 16W LED luminaires. This is a special, surface- mounted product with a glass diffuser screen, and it has been used particularly in high traffic areas, such as porticoes, to achieve diffused, even, non- invasive lighting as well as guaranteeing safety. The balconies on the residential buildings are also lit with surface-mounted, LED iPro luminaires, but with a small, 9W body, instead, and a Fresnel diffuser lens combined with a flood optic to create diffused lighting with a limited number of luminaires. Inside  the residential complexes, the stairwells play an important role as, being made of glass, they help to create the rhythm and flow of the architecture that is reinforced by the green wall sections. The stairwells are indirectly lit by Primopiano 9W LED Wall Washer luminaires with a special fitting that allows them to be attached directly to the metal structure, while the driver is positioned remotely. The same luminaire is used on the top floors of the stairwells, but with a different, equally special connecting system, that fastens the device directly to the ceiling via an aluminium rod and base.

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  • Year:
  • Client:
    Castello Sgr Spa
  • Designer:
    S. Scarabicchi, D.Vespier (partner and associate in charge)
  • Architectural project:
  • Structural engineering:
    Favero & Milan
  • Project Coordination: Twice/Iure
  • Photographer:
    Enrico Cano

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