According to the World Health Organisation, good health is a “state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Health and well-being are the main themes for the 12th edition of World Industrial Design Day, celebrated each year on 29 June and inaugurated back in 2007 to celebrate the 50
th anniversary of the
International Council of Societies of Industrial Design.
‘Industrial Design for Good Health and Wellbeing’ means to explore ways in which design can help improve our physical, social, mental and emotional development and to encourage design-driven solutions that promote happier, healthier and more enjoyable lifestyles – tackling issues such as the rise of greenhouse gas emissions, overpopulation, housing shortages, water safety, access to transportation and social integration, to name just a few. In alignment with the third UN Sustainable Development Goal, ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’, the design community celebrates this day with an agenda rich in events.
Always committed to enhancing the wellbeing of people, society and environment through light, iGuzzini has recently completed – in collaboration with Configuring Light/Staging the Social (London School of Economics) and the Social Light Movement – a three-year study (2014-2017) aimed at integrating sociological research and lighting design. The analysis, culminated in the
‘Social Lightscapes Workshops. Social research in design for lighting professionals’ publication, developing a social research approach aimed at better understanding social space and at delivering lighting designs centred on the ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’ of people and their communities.
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