Replacing Linealuce on a 43m x 13,5 m facade
n°24 Linealuce Mini 27R l=500mm + n°43 Linealuce Mini 27R l=1000mm
n°24 Linealuce T5 with fluorescent T16 l=500mm + n°43 Linealuce T5 with fluorescent T16 l=1000mm
Total years: 15
Operating period: 3.800h per year
% energy saving 51,6%*
CO2 emissions avoided (kg) 20.871**
equivalent trees (18kg/year*) 1.159***
*Additional savings are achieved by using control systems.
**AIB (2020), Italy emission factors Market-Based (Worldfavor)
***2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories)